Wednesday, December 9, 2009
"I Want A Beat that Changes Every Minute" -MIA
my life is so BORING right now! i absolutely hate junior yr. Why is life like this?! Besides school i have 3 tutoring lessons in a row from friday through sunday. so yea, no more free sundays which is a bummer! But this year i'm been trying to be as active as possible with my interests, so i joined 5 different clubs. Annnd i'm so glad i did. i was part of a Global Warming Awareness Club and to raise money and awareness, we hosted our school's first ever Band Night and it went awesome! i was super suprised by my classmate's talents! i'd say, its just as good as going to a concert. We had a double stage set up where one stage would perform while the other prepared. & guess who's idea was it?! MINE. Although when it was a group's turn, some bands did end up taking a while to set up. It would have taken much longer without this setup though. And the crowd flowed from one end of the room to the was great! We raised over $800 and it was a huge sucess. We'll organize another one once spring whips around.
i know i've been MIA but i just want you guys to know that i will never stop blogging even by the time i'm 80, cause i just love it too much! You guys keep me young...even though i'm only 17. haha well, have a good one! and talk to you (who ever you are) real soon :] And i gotta figure out some shit to do to spice up my life!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Trick? or Treat?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Mental Storm Ain't Over.
I’m sorry for rambling! More posts soon.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Look Out!! A Typhoon's Comming!
plus we are currently experiencing a typhoon. GREAT..... let me just collect myself and i'll be back asap!
Monday, August 3, 2009
i Apologize!!!
p.p.s. thank you guys so much for the support!! i don't know if i'd have the energy to do it on my own. so thanks again! i truely appriciate it! AHHHH!!! thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I've been a bad bad girl.

i'm feeling pretty guilty right now. & i'm so sorry for not updating more often. Yes, camp is taking a lot of my time, but i've also been really really sick with a different symptom every week!! it's driving me insane! first it was my asthma, then upset stomach, the fever, and now it turned into the cough. wtf. can i just be normal? so, i'm sorry for the absence. i truely mean it. i miss blogging and scoping other blogs. *sniffle*the camp is taking up so much of my time it's rediculous!! we have 6 hours of class four times a week. there's homework. stupid competitions and activities. and i'm always tired. and i don't know why but i get sick really often here. i just got the fever and i felt really awful worse than i did when i get it back in the states. My muscles were sore, my throat hurt, i'd get the chills, my head was pounding so hard and i felt like it was going to explode. & i was so hot i felt like i could boil water with my own body heat. This happend on Saturday though, so my grandparents brought me to to the hospital to get me some hardcore meds. Within the next 12 hours, it's as if i was never was sick! Why can't all nonprescription drugs be this good. too bad i forgot them at my grandparents house so i went back to having the fever except a milder version. & now all my roomates and classmates are sick. And yes. they all blame me. they call me the sick mother that spread it to the children. It's not my fault A) my counselor hates me B) makes me sleep it off and C) won't get me medicine bc it's appearently illegal?!?! Well, ya know what? it's ain't gonna go away like that. so poohy, it's not like i like being sick, OKAY? (i recently got my counselor a little sick though, i'm not that evil to be happy about it)
so yea. this is why i haven't been able to update recently. it's also really hard sometimes when my roomates hog my laptop! i'll go the the bathroom or something, then pop! outta no where someone's on my computer! did you not see the screen? i'm busy.
BUT. but. But. the most exciting news ever?! (well, for me atleast) i got my lip peircing!!!i'm feelin' pretty bad ass right now & it looks really good! it healed up quickly and nicely, too. I got it done at XimenDing, Taipei. I was so anxious i kinda just got it done at this random place that sold earings but it was hard to find a place that would do the lip since a lot of places only had the gun. i'm not gonna lie i don't recomend you getting it done here. it was expensive!! (600NT = $20 USD considered expensive in taiwan) and not the most sanitary either. plus they don't really have a good selection of lip rings. erg. i'll tell the story later. it's pretty interesting i must say. right now i'm too tired.
Friday, July 10, 2009
First Impressions of OCAC.
Another reason this camp kinda sucks. the food. it's pretty unappetizing. enough said.
&& the Bathroom!! the other night was one of the worst shower experiences i will ever experience. honest. it's smelly, slimy, grimy and it lurks creepy crawly things all over that place. + we have those squat toilets which are not only hard to use but they are just not sanitary since people miss all the time. Like i don't know why they keep making them if they probably know by now that even though everyone puts their butt on the same seat, it's easier to use and keep clean than those porcelean ditches. it takes years of skill to use that thing!! i go to Taiwan about every two years and i just perfected it the last time i was here. i am so glad. don't worry i'll give ya tips later to not miss. :)

^ ain't actually this clean:(
Monday, July 6, 2009
Good Bye America, Hello Formosa!
here's a pretty good picture of them. except. this would only be one strain of them since this is clearly a gothic group? So ku, right?

aaah i love the 2nd-guy-from-the-left's hair....frames his face so well!
So, in New England since we get a lot of foreign immigrants especially asians. We have a special name for them. FOBs which stands for FRESH OFF THE BOAT. This applies for asians that don't really change after moving here. I believe it has to do a lot with fashion sense more than anything. Like their style is still very Asian and not at all Americanized. (you can probably find a better, funnier, more exaggerated version on urban dictionary) So yes, we get a lot of those @ my school, esp. Korean. A lot of them come here to learn english and bc our school systems are better here. Like in some cases the parents from Korea ship their kids here and they live with host families. it's all very interesting, i find.
Monday, June 29, 2009
i'm glad i enjoyed myself this week. i desevered it. all those all nighters paid off. i did really well on my finals!
However, for Bio and English? i have no idea since my teachers actually didn't show up. how typical of them. but i have no idea what to expect either. a) my english teacher hates me. and that's actually how she grades. it's a hate crime!! no mater how well i know i do, it don't make a difference. b) i couldn't even finish the bio test! i missed like 20 multiple choice questions!! ya know, i'm a slow worker. damn it.
well, i hope you guys have a great summer + i hope you've been checking out those great deals i've been talking about. i got some pretty nifty stuffies myself for waayy cheap, but unfortunately i won't be able to do a haul post cause i don't have them with me... i know, i'm a lazy ass.. but don't fret more posts to come! a lot has been going on and i have a lot to say.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Back & Blah.
So today was the first day of summer and i almost felt like i didn't know what to do with this,'s really dissapointing. i blame it on yesturday, which was our pointless last day of school. The weather was grey, and here and there it would rain...the whole atmosphere was blah and gloomy. You could tell that everyone was tired and so fucused on getting out of there it was hard to end the year on a good note. But most of all, there was no "oh see you next year", "have a good summer!" nada! It makes me feel so sad. The last bell didn't even ring so it didn't feel like school officially ended either. NO CLOSURE.
+ clearly, i was wrong about my future predictions of Jon & Kate. i'm too hopeful i guess. So, they filed for devource. ain't ever goin' back. "We can only go forward" says Kate. which, yea, that would be pretty messed up if they got back together. And i know that people percieve her as a bitch but i really don't think so. Being a mom is the hardest job in the world (i believe) and she's scared of being a failure especially when it comes to raising 8 kids. I don't know guys, give her a break?

Monday, June 22, 2009
The Shit Storm's Never Ending.
Right now, i'm cuddling in me robe and watching I Love Lucy. i love that show. :] [EXCUSE ME WHILE I BLOW MY NOSE]
Tomorrow i have an english and mandarin final. mandarin shouldn't be too hard, and english...well, i got sparknotes. so it's all good. Hope you guys had a better start of the week than i did!
Also. i bought the Multiple Blessings book yesturday and i'm pretty excited to start reading it!! at first i found it a little odd to find it in the Christian Inspirations section of B&N but it guess it makes sense...the title, duh! & 19 bucks?! i'm sorry but don't you guys make enough money? the show and all, i mean that's why Jon quit his job last year then bought a farari (or w.e.). well, at least i got a coupon and saved 6 bucks. it pays to be a member.
Tonight there's going to be a 1 hour "anouncement" episode @ 9. Of course, i'll be watching it (i'm lame, i know). i don't think they'll devource, and i strongly believe that. since i have mad fortune telling skills. i also made a post on them earlier.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Up to Date.
they even look cute in Bento Boxes. I WANT A BENTO BOX!!
Bento 31 by Onna-giri, Bento 10 by droppedfork
p.s. check out the post before this. i think it's pretty facinating.
OH, +HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! have a good one!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Light & Sweet.
then you have to check this other photographer out. not only is it conceptual but he's very scientificly clever about it. my friend Jess made a post about him. & i was completely amazed! this guy is a genius. it's the 1st photographer mentioned, there's a link on his name and it's the art section of his website. make sure to click on picture for the full view + read the captions! & thank jess for this post!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
feelin' lazy.
So turns out it's good that it changes every year, since every Sunday is family day (minus the presence of mom). i don't know what to get...i was thinkin' the Kenzo Power for men. which smells so amazingly good, i would wear it, seriously. it's still masuculin, though. it smells kinda lemony gingery...i cannot describe scents well.... but if you're like me and you like some masculin scents check out this post.

hmmm...i'm just gonna concentrate on school right now since appearently that's what makes him most happy. But i cannot believe we're still in school for another 2 1/2 weeks. i should be on summer vacation right now scoping the city for hot urban boys (& gansters for my friend). insted, not only do i have to study for finals but we're still learning new shit! Have i mentioned i hate school? Oh, and btw, thank god the drama's over. i can finally concentrate on more improtant things.
Things i'd like to accomplish before i leave (July 1st):
~do well on finals
~re-organize room
~get toned. - jesus christ i gained an unhealthy 14 pounds since last year! i hate scales. they tell bad news.
~eat more healthy foods- processed doesn't even taste that good. and possibly stop those cravings if i even know how?
~Do Yoga- i've been neglecting it & it has taken a toll on my mind & body.
~have a clothing yard sale with my friends- better than sending it to a vintage store, since you get to set the prices. i want to make my own mulla! for once in my life.
P.S. can you keep a secret?? i. want. a. lip. peircing.
just a little side one. it'll be cute okayyyy????? and if it's not i'll let it close up. :[ more on that later though.
~until next week!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Okie Dokes.
1) perfectly GREEN GRASS- the color, the texture, the fresh smell (if it even has a smell), the dewy-ness in the mornings, combing the tangles with my fingers...... i love it!

Coke by !Dominiclevitt on deviantART
3) Clocks- of all shapes, sizes, and colors. i collect them! my collection is more modern but i'd like to expand with antiuqe ones.

Passes by by ~Gravitatioon on deviantART

My Watch Collection by *Nova-FoV on deviantART
watches are cool too.
4) Tealight Candles [+ only tealight!]- i get them in bulk @ ikea, they have amazing sents. i think they burn wayyy better and actually disperse the scent, when i use 2-3 at a time.

FLM01 - Selective Depth by *darwin2kx on deviantART
5) Coffee- i love sneaking out to the town center during school to grab a cup of jo. i love unwinding as the luquid warms the soul :). & the smell! ah!!! (& no i am not at all addicted. i just like it.) Oh! you have to try this. it's my favourite @ starbucks- Cinnimon Dulce. i sadly just discovered it.

coffee by ~arTisTinDaMaKing on deviantART
Time to coffee by ~BlackBerry199 on deviantART
yum. i love the holiday themed.
6) Flowers. i don't think i have to say much, but they are so pretty!

Blushing in the afternoon sun by ~Not-of-this-age on deviantART
cherry blossom by ~freakyncheeky on deviantART
feelin' green.
+ visit allison's blog! it's so cute and she writes really poetic.
have a great weekend!
What have I got myself into...
Appearently last year a friend went to that camp i was talking about in Taiwan called OCAC. i hadn't talked to him in 5 years until now so i had no idea he went to this camp. Well, it's an international camp that teaches Mandarin and the culture. And yes, French people go. But he was talking about it and he was like "there's a lot of hooking up, drinking, and smoking". i. was. stunned. WHAT THE HELL HAS MY DAD GOT ME AND MY BROTHER INTO!? i just wanted to have fun (not that kind of fun) and enjoy myself. i am so sick of my town. i just want to get out of here! but now i'm having second thoughts... And oh some piece on advice that my friend gave me "Courtney, don't go around hooking up with too many guys okay?" i don't know what kind of person you think i am but i am deffinately not what you think. Sweet Jesus, please protect me from this scary scary world. I BEG YOU!
this reminds me of this song. don't watch the video it's quite terrible and it'll ruin the song which i quite like, but it doesn't mean i want to be a juvenile delinquent!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Slug Documentary:
+ tell me what you think! it's the weirdest thing i've ever seen.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Update [5/1/09].
Wow, i'm on a roll! So, i'm sorry i don't really keep 'on schedule' when it comes to the beginning of the month's upcomming posts. But, i do post them eventually...
Also, my rooms a mess. it's amazing how i clean it up, but it takes just one day to mess it all up again. oy. my desk will never see the light (til schools over). i went to ikea with my pops and brother to furnish our newly bought apartment in boston. We're not moving or anything my dad just wanted to own some property to keep for the future when my brother and i go off to college in the city. We also picked up a futon for my brother (which is really comfy) and a new bedframe for my room. i will do the room tour once my room is tidy-ed up which won't be for awhile...:[
apartment view!
Health: You know what's really weird? twitching eyes are a sign of sleep deprivision but my left eye has been pulsing all week! & i'm recently slept more.i have no idea whats going on there but i'm gonna look it up. + every once in awhile my RLS (restless leg syndrome) will act up on me which is really annoying. just 30 minutes ago i was in extreme pain and since i ran out of my meds my dad suggested advil. IT WORKS!!! wtf? i could have just used that all this time? oh advil and tylonol i love you. last week i had a headache almost everyday. they saved the day.
Current Obsessions:
Ugly Betty- holy crap, amazing finale! missed it?
Big Bang & Wondergirls (Korean bands)- i will do a post on them soon!,
Maybelline Lash Stiletto- gives the best deffinition. it's even better than my higher end ones! a must try.
Ikea cookies: Singoalla brand Raspberry filled- cheap and super yummy.
IKEA.-best home furnishing store ever. EVER. the way i see it. it's a toy superstore. metaphorically, ofcourse.
Upcomming Posts: Nature Photoshoot, Jon & Kate Plus 8 Responce, Little Things Tag, Art Auction- journal entry, & some random posts.
*AH! and i must mention.* So a makeup guru on Youtube and blogger, Tiffany D., has a GHD straightener deal! the GHD is probably the world's best straightener brand. it heats up within seconds, and automatically shuts down when not in use, to not burn down your house, yea, it happens. And there are so many styling options! check out her blog for more information & take advantage of this deal! (btw retails for $250+) infact, i'm so afraid it's going to sell out i'm gonna buy it right now. planning on getting the pure. ends June 15!
i have a feeling this will be a productive week probably since i'm in such an uplifting mood :) wish me luck!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kite Project.

how cute is the icecream cone? well, we ended up choosing something like the one at the top of this image which is called the glider i believe.
But i have to tell you how this came to be:
Journal entry #11
So, my brother saw the jellyfish and laughed. Not gonna lie, it looked ridiculous. Not only that but it didn't even fly! He then runs back in the house and pulls out his kite he made back in the 8th grade, runs around the house and without much effort it starts to fly! Oh my god, i was so relieved! i've found my new kite! i laughed so hard, cuz after trying to make the dragon kite for 3 hours, i lost all hope for making kites or so i thought. wow, my brother can be a real life saver.
We already submitted the kite so we're just waiting to present it and fly it. pictures soon! & oh my partner was a complete lazy ass and bascially made me type up the whole essay. F YOU! [too bad he doen't know i blog...]
For awsome kite ideas go to
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sometimes More Bitter than Sweet.
This morning I woke up feeling pretty nauseous and I don’t ever remember waking up on a bad note until today. & I realized it was because yesterday had been the last day for the seniors. Being a Sophomore, I don’t have many senior friends but still, I hate dramatic bittersweet change. That’s what makes me feel nauseous. I had made two senior friends this year and randomly, too! But I’m so glad I did. They are awesome people. Last year I, too, had made friends, Tori and Rue, seniors, that went on my bus, but depressingly I have no way of keeping in touch with them, no phone number, no facebook, nada. That was a huge mistake. I miss our daily random talks on the bus. I remember Rue even saying, “You are so gonna miss us next year.” And I completely do! After high school is a whole new chapter of your life. I don’t mind making new friends but I would hate to lose my old ones. I grew up with some of these guys. And off to college, people have different interests, priorities, start in a new direction, even a new place! Ugh, why does life have to be like this?
To make matters worse, my neighborhood was experiencing a power outage at around 10:20a.m., which I found to be pretty outrageous I mean it’s not snowing or any extreme weather…but anyway, I felt almost helpless since it seemed like my usual Saturday “schedule” was impossible without electricity which it was. No TV, no blogging, no Youtube, I couldn’t even properly put on some foundation to go out because of the lack of lighting! And the food. I had to eat cold noodles for lunch which I found to be a lot better than it is hot! So that was a good discovery. Lol.
So feeling terribly sad, I decide to call up some friends for some therapeutic conversation. However, my little part of the neighborhood has crap cell phone service (b/c tall trees) but half the time it does work, it’s just weak. BUT, on this particular day, my cell phone decides not to have service at all so I have to walk up my street to the main road on top of a hill just to get service. It’s weird because although I was annoyingly irritated, I ended up enjoying myself. As I was calling my friends, I decide to walk to a nearby park since the weather was gorgeous. I'm swinging on the swings alone talking to my friends back to back on the phone with some little kids playing on the playground. I gradually feel so much better. The pain drifts away and I feel ensured that I can keep in touch with my graduating senior friends. I AM SO RELIEVED! I’m exstatic that I did something about it, and i'll never make that mistake again. Had I not called them I don’t think we’d be able to ever have contact again. Sometimes you just have to be the first to do something about it or else it never happen.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009
i ♥ the Gosselins

Jon, Kate, and Beth Carson wrote a book together called Multiple Bles8ings: Surviving to Thriving Twins and Sextuplets.
i'm not at all suprised that it's a New York Times Bestseller but i am deffinately gonna buy it. it's gonna be good. i know it! if only i had the time to leisurely read right now...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Photographs by Ben Watts
"Shopping is my life. My life is Shopping. If Kitson became a country, i would pack up my belongings, move there, and apply for a citizenship."

&the best for last. this was their inspiration! thank you Bazaar for being so clever. god i laughed so hard.
Catch Johna Hill in his upcomming film Funny People out July 31st.