more posts to come! they're currently in draft form so they'll appear before this. Have a great weekend!
Music & Fashion inspire my world. and randomness drives it. Food helps.
Their cd 'Only by the Night' is out now. i didn't have a chance to buy it but once i do i will do a review.
MV OF 'USE SOMEBODY': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCZfJ5ai07U
Vitamin D i'm not telling you to bake in the sun, but now a days Americans are staying indoors so much, they don't get enough vitamin D so take a walk. all you need is 15 minutes in the sun a day but still shield your face and neck with uva/uvb protection aka sun screen.
Chores! tired of working out? you can burn a lot of calories just sweeping the floor! Clearing the air and the clutter, i believe, can also help clear up your mind. just one less thing to think about. the key thing is start anywhere. & the interesting thing about this is that the people featured on the oprah show live simple lives with little or no technology, so they do everything themselves and by hand. They don't even have to think about exorcising since it's already apart of thier everyday life. Most Americans on the other hand have to set time aside to workout. how inefficiant is that?